
Louie Wu
Jan 15, 2021



主要是因為Linux (LF)換行字元自\n,而window(CRLF)換行字元是\r\n

此筆記內容皆來自網路搜尋 & stackoverflow

1. dos2unix
Terminal 輸入 dos2unix input.txt

2. Terminal perl one line command
Terminal 輸入 perl -i -pe ‘s/\r$//g’ input.txt

Option flag:
-p: 一行一行輸入進去Places a printing loop around your command so that it acts on each line of standard input. Used mostly so Perl can beat the pants off awk in terms of power AND simplicity :-)

-e: 直接執行command指令Allows you to provide the program as an argument rather than in a file. You don’t want to have to create a script file for every little Perl one-liner.

-i: 取代原本檔案Modifies your input file in-place (making a backup of the original). Handy to modify files without the {copy, delete-original, rename} process.

3. VIM取代
在vim內取代 %s/^M//g
VIM打出^M方式Ctrl+v ctrl+m



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