[Chatgpt] 數位IC設計師如何用chatgpt寫出一個讀入verilog .v檔,並印出module上所有I/O的signal name的python程式

Louie Wu
4 min readFeb 1, 2023



  • 將IO signal name取出並存成array去做後續字串處理,對於數位IC設計流程某些自動化是很常見的方式,這邊示範一個使用chatgpt簡單的程式來做範例,會比較好知道中間遇到的錯誤。
  • 值得探究的是發現chatgpt給的程式有不足的部份,並且修改給chatgpt命令逐步改進程式
  • 範例目標:python 程式可讀入verilog .v檔,並逐行印出module上所有I/O的signal name。
  • 此範例含對話過程(詠唱)紀錄及chatgpt產生的README
  • 此程式目前無法對應verilog module不同寫法 (有趣的是這點chatgpt 的README有寫),好比無法處理訊號含有中括號的狀況 ex.[3:0],或是有無寫"wire" or “reg”
  • 雖然看過許多大神範例可以一路對話chatgpt修改程式,最終不做任何人為修改可直接上線。不過我覺得做到略為修改程度就已經非常夠了,剩下我大概只要修改幾行即可應對module的不同寫法


1.我先要求產生一個AFIFO in verilog (Appendix A)

2.要求撰寫一個python程式,讀取前面結果後,將input and output signals存到一個array並逐行列印。
chatgpt結果: 給出的程式碼直接把含有input / output整行印出來


3.示範chatgpt怎麼取出signal name
chatgpt結果:程式碼正確取出signal name,不過無法處理module中含有中括號[]的情況。

    # If it does, extract the signal name from the line
signal_name = line.split()[2].strip(",")
# Add the signal name to the signal_names array

chatgpt結果: 只刪除了左右中括號,但沒有刪除中括號中間的內容

    line = line.replace(",", "").replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
# Split the line into words
words = line.split()
# Extract the signal name from the words
signal_name = words[2]

chatgpt結果:replace改成正規標準式寫,不過依然只刪除了中括號但沒有刪除中括號中間的內容。(完整程式碼貼於 Appendix B )

  line = re.sub(r'[\[\],]', '', line)

6.請chatgpt寫README ( Appendix C )

對話過程貼於 ( Appendix D)

Appendix A — AFIFO的verilog

module async_fifo #(
parameter WIDTH = 8,
parameter DEPTH = 8
) (
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
input wire din,
output wire dout,
input wire write_en,
input wire read_en,
output wire full,
output wire empty

reg [WIDTH-1:0] memory [0:DEPTH-1];
reg [log2(DEPTH)-1:0] write_pointer, read_pointer;

always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
if (rst) begin
write_pointer <= 0;
read_pointer <= 0;
end else begin
if (write_en && !full) begin
memory[write_pointer] <= din;
write_pointer <= write_pointer + 1;
if (read_en && !empty) begin
dout <= memory[read_pointer];
read_pointer <= read_pointer + 1;

assign full = write_pointer == read_pointer + DEPTH ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
assign empty = write_pointer == read_pointer ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;


Appendix B — python source code

import re

# Open the target.v file for reading
with open("target.v", "r") as file:
# Read the contents of the file into a string
contents = file.read()

# Split the contents of the file into lines
lines = contents.split("\n")

# Initialize an empty array to store the input and output signal names
signal_names = []

# Iterate over the lines in the file
for line in lines:
# Remove leading spaces from the line
line = line.lstrip()
# Check if the line starts with "input" or "output"
if line.startswith("input") or line.startswith("output"):
# If it does, delete the comma and anything between brackets using regex
line = re.sub(r'[\[\],]', '', line)
# Split the line into words
words = line.split()
# Extract the signal name from the words
signal_name = words[2]
# Add the signal name to the signal_names array

# Open the OUTPUT.txt file for writing
with open("OUTPUT.txt", "w") as file:
# Write each signal name to a separate line in the file
for signal_name in signal_names:
file.write(signal_name + "\n")

# Print the signal names to the console
for signal_name in signal_names:

Appendix C — README


This program reads a Verilog file target.v and processes its contents to extract the input and output signal names. The program removes leading spaces, deletes all commas and anything between brackets, and only preserves the lines starting with "input" or "output". The extracted signal names are then saved to an OUTPUT.txt file and also printed to the console.


  • Python 3
  • Regex module (import re)


To run the program, simply execute the following command in your terminal:

python program.py

The program will read the target.v file, process its contents, and write the extracted signal names to the OUTPUT.txt file and print them to the console.


The program assumes that the Verilog file target.v follows a specific format, and may not work correctly if the file has a different format. Additionally, the program only extracts input and output signal names, and does not process any other information in the file.

Appendix D — conversation screenshots with chatgpt



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